
Duck Maze

     Duck Maze by HES of Australia (Home Entertainment Suppliers) is a puzzle/action game where the objective is to safely carry an egg to a warm and snuggley home by using your beak to break through brick floors.  There are three methods of losing your egg:  

1.)  It falls and breaks.  There is a bar that tells you the distance in which it can fall safely.  Otherwise, three blocks-worth down.  

2.)  Bulldogs.  Bulldogs will break the egg.  If you come in contact with them, they will punch you and knock you unconcious, leaving your egg vulnerable.  

3.)  Foxes.  In an undefined amount of time, a fox will start to appear underneath your egg.  He is sort of like the timer in this game.  Run towards the fox to scare him away.

     Fortunately for you, I've remedied all of these situations.


Game Genie Codes

     AEUUELPA - Protection from falling long distances onto the ground.

     AAKVLAPA - Protection from Bulldogs.

     AAOTGPPA - Protection from Foxes.


     Previously, I knew this game to be a port of some sort when I was given the pirate version from an old friend of mine of the name Keropi with an assortment of other things, Rocman X (Thunder Blast Man) comes to mind.  Sardius has recently jogged my memory.  Duck Maze is a port of Penguin Land by Sega for the Sega Master System.

Duck Maze

Penquin Land

This is your favorite song in the whole gosh-darn WORLD, ya-betcha!

     Thanks go out to Ace of Simplynes for lending me the cart, Gil_Galad for ripping the NSF and Kev for making the CopyNES.
