
May 1st, 2004

     Hmm, somehow by coming back after a long hiatus, I thought any release at all would quiet the nagging inside my head.  This is all I could really offer you guys after a two month dead period.  *Sigh*  Maybe the next two months will provide something better.


February 13th, 2004 (Friday the 13th)

     I thought I'd give you guys a lucky release by doing something involved with cats, a har har har... a har... har.  Nope, totally coincidental.


February 9th, 2004

     Hey hey!  Ripley's got a butt hole.  Releases?  Why not?


February 8th, 2004

     I bet if Alfred actually said stuff, he would probably say, "Eat me."  Check out this hunka-hunka burnin' cock out at the releases section.


January 22nd, 2004

     A little lesson in Chinese history!  Releases.


January 20th, 2004

     I'm really sorry guys...  Releases.  I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise.


January 19th, 2004

     Rex Soft has done it again by making a graphically-pleasing, yet hardly fun bootleg.  Let's see what the next pretty/boring game gets discovered next!  Xie xie TPU, you guys are awesome.  Releases.
